Good Neighbor Club
Good Neighbor Club
The Good Neighbor Club, the outgrowth of the local Home Demonstration Club, was organized in 1953 with the purpose of being of use to the people of the community. As the name indicates, it is a philanthropic club with the Golden Rule as its motto and ‘Help Somebody Today,’ it’s theme song. Money is raised by bake sales, quilting, and sale of ‘homemade’ items at the Peanut Festival and cards of all kinds are kept in stock as are novelty items suitable for birthday and Christmas. One charter member, Mrs. C.D. Cheatham, is still active at the present time. At the first writing of Crossroads Mrs. C.D. Cheatham was serving as president and Mrs. W.W. Willis, as treasurer. The 1986 officers are as follows: Mrs. Callie M. Willis, president; Mrs. C.D. Cheatham, vice-president; Mrs. Ruby Parker, secretary; Mrs. Violet Story, treasurer; and Mrs. Bertie Matthews, card chairman. The club has fifteen members. The other active members at this time are Dorothy Brewton, Madge Dauphin, Dorothy Gentry, Hazel Kent, Eula Lois Mason, Birdie Mae Salmon, Lela Smith and Lorene Duitch.
At first, the money was used only for individual families, but early in the 1960s any extra money was saved for the new hospital, then in the planning stages. When the hospital opened, the Club was ready with furniture for the reception room. Later, plate covers and a steam table were donated.
Meanwhile the school came to their attention. The light on the parking lot at the elementary school was installed and a substantial donation made toward the curtains for the Lorena Shoultz Auditorium. Twice, band uniforms have been bought, and money has been given for library books. The last fifteen years has seen other projects added to the work of the Good Neighbor Club. Help and contributions have been given to the Grapeland Fire Department, the Grapeland Ambulance Service, the Grapeland Nursing Home, the Cancer Fund, Muscular Dystrophy Drive, Crimestoppers and the Grapeland Park.
The purpose of this club remains the same as it was when it was formed – to help the individual family — and most expenditures come in the ‘under $25’ bracket, but the Club stands ready to help in any worthwhile Civic Project.