Belle White Beazley Maternal Ancestors

Belle White Beazley Maternal Ancestors Family History
Joseph Chamberlain Keen, born August 11, 1779, died April 29, 1881. A church resolution from Texas Patron, dated May 1, 1881, states that he was 102 years old. From his first marriage his children were William T., born July 15, 1815, died December 14, 1847; John Keen, born November 12, 1821; Louise Jane, born March 28, 1823; James M., born June 14, 1825; Harriet Celeta Amanda Keen, born March 10, 1828, died February 3, 1889, married John Banks White, uncle of Milton Dailey. She was the sister of Thomas Jefferson Keen, born June 12, 1830. T.J. married the second time to Caledonia Isabella Beazley Dailey, widow of Milton Dailey. Their children were Jennie Keen Paxton, Mary Etta Keen Darsey, Florence Keen, Edie Jo, Fannie Keen, married Dr. Lewis Cass Meriweather (his third marriage). [See John Banks story – Belle Beazley connection.] Joseph’s second marriage was to Permelia Daily Dean, born August 28, died May 6, 1805 or 1806. Children were Armstrong, born August 31, 1834, died February 13, 1835, one year old, Robert E., born October 6, 1836, died January 1842; Joseph, born, June 19, 1839; Silas E., born July 13, 1841, killed in Civil War; John F., born February 1, 1844. Joseph Keen and the Dailey’s traveled together from Oktibbeho County, Mississippi to Houston County, Texas. Permelia is buried inSmyna Cemetery near Possum Neck, Altala County, Mississippi. In Grandmother Belle’s scrapbook she kept when she was teaching in 1884 or about that time, she wrote that Bro. John B. White of Daly had a gourd over one hundred and fifty years old. It came into his family from old Bro. Keen’s grandmother. It has been in use all this time and was used for keeping parched coffee in. The mouth of the gourd is worn off about an inch from use. It may be the only one having been in constant use for that long. Belle’s granddaughter, line, has the gourd. It would be 202 years old now in 1986. The article in Texas Patron about Joseph Keen “died on Friday last, (April) 30, 1881, Mr. Joseph Keen, near Daly, the best and oldest of men. He was over 102 years old. He came to Texasmany years ago, and lived a quiet unobtrusive Christian life in connection with the Baptist Church, and died regretted and respected by all.”