George M. Pridgen

George M. Pridgen Family History
George McDuffy Pridgen, father of Gertrude Pridgen, was born in Thomaston, Texas. He was the son of Bolivar Jackson Pridgen and Martha Ann Williams. He served as express agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad and in later years became a leader in the Republican party. He lived in the Rice Hotel in Houston for many years and spent much time in Austin and Washington D. C. working on legislation for some of Houston’s most prominent men. George M. Pridgen married Mollie Pridgen, daughter of Redding S. and Elizabeth Wright Pridgen. he died in Houston on December 24, 1941 and was buried in the family cemetery in Thomaston. His wife died in Baytown on December 11, 1946 and was also buried in the Thomaston Cemetery.