Goff-Moore-Lively Family

Goff-Moore-Lively Family History
Gracie Isabel (Grace) Moore Goff was the daughter of William Berry (Will) and Mary Rosalie (Mollie) Lively Moore. Grace was born in Montague County near the Alvoid, Texas area. At age 3 or 4, she traveled to the Anderson County area with her parents in a covered wagon. It took approximately ten days to make the trip. Brans Hogan and a friend traveled with them, riding horses. They came upon a fruit peddler whose wagon had gotten stuck in a creek when he tried to cross it. Grace’s father unhitched his horses from their wagon and pulled the man’s wagon out of the creek. The peddler was so grateful that he gave them a large stalk of bananas. After having lived in Anderson County for a short while, the Moore family moved back to Alvoid, Texas again. They soon returned to the Anderson -Houston County area traveling this time with Will Moore’s sister’s family, Mary Moore and Plummer Welch and their children. One of the boys, George Plummer, kept sticking his head out of the hole in the back of the wagon saying, “Are we there yet, Uncle Will?”. The questions stopped when he finally got his head hung in the hole. The Moore family lived in the Phillips Springs area, near Slocum and Grace Moore attended first grade there at the age of eight. Around 1921, they moved near the Muse and Waneta area and Grace went to school at the Old Hickory Grove School. Mollie Moore’s grandparents, Joseph Lafayette and Nancy Jane Killion Lively, and the Moore children (Grace Moore (Goff) and Ruby Mae Moore (Carroll, Johns) ) lived where J. B. Lively now owns property. The Moore children (Grace and Ruby Mae) walked or rode in a buggy with friends to the nearby WanetaSchool. Grace helped her mother take care of her grandmother Lively as she had crippling rheumatism and was in a wheelchair. One Christmas Eve, Grace Moore hung a stocking on the fireplace mantel and the next morning she would find fruit, toys and candy in her stocking. Will Moore loved to play pranks on friends and members of the family. One year, he put some small baked sweet potatoes in the toe of Grace’s stocking. The toys of Grace’s childhood were different from those of today. They were figurines made of bisque or made of wood. Grace received her only doll at age 3. It had a beautiful china face and is still beautiful today. It was the custom to have a Christmas party and tree at the Hickory Grove School. The children received presents off the tree. Will Moore was the son of Richard and Jo Ann Roswell Moore. The Moore family originally lived near Bowie, Texas. WillMoore was born In Cook County, Texas. When Richard Moore moved to Houston County, he settled near the site of Old PrairieSchool and later moved near the Waneta School. Richard and Jo Ann Moore had three sons, William (Will) Berry, Charles and Jim and five daughters, May Moore Welch, Cordia Moore Tims, Dessie Moore Hopper, Mima Moore Arnold Stickland, and Rose Moore Roberts Beene. The Moore family all lived in the Waneta area at one time except for two of Will’s sisters. Jim, Mima and Rose Moore’s children grew up in the Waneta area and attended the Waneta School. Beatrice Moore, wife of Jim Moore’s son Bransford, was a teacher in the Waneta School, The only descendant of Richard Moore still living in the Waneta area Is James Arnold, of Route 3, Grapeland, Texas. James is the son of Mima Moore Arnold Strickland. Joseph Lafayette Lively was first married to Mary Jane Ross, daughter of J.C. and Isabella Ross, of the Phillips Springs area. They had two small boys, Wesley and Jeff, when Mary Jane died at the birth of their daughter, Nancy Jane (Nannie) Lively Millican in 1874. Three months later, Joseph Lively married Nancy Jane Killion, daughter of W.M. and D.S. Killion of the Denson Springs area. Nancy Jane Killion Lively and Joseph Lively had six children. They were Ben, Walter, Julius (Dude), Elizabeth (Lizzie) Lively Hestand, Cora Lively Cannon, and Mary Rosalie (Mollie) Lively Moore. All of the children of Joseph and Nancy Lively were born in Denson Springs except Mollie. When Cora Lively was about five years, the family moved to Montague County, traveling in two covered wagons. Joseph Lively drove one wagon and his son Wesley drove the other. They built beds from planks to put their mattresses on in the wagons and got light from lanterns. The first house, the Lively family had a dirt floor, so Joseph Lively built a new house. Mary Rosalie (Mollie) Lively was born in MontagueCounty in 1885. The family later moved back to the east Texas area. Three of the daughters, Lizzie, Cora and Mollie raised their families in the Phillips Springs and Waneta area. Many of Joseph and Nancy Jane Lively’s descendants still live in the Phillips Springs-Slocum area. Nancy Jane Lively was in a wheelchair over 40 years. She was a very happy person, never complaining. She slept on a big fluffy feather mattress, with pillows propped under her legs for comfort. It was amazing to see her hold cup with her right thumb, with her fingers all so twisted. Mollie, her daughter, fed her. She loved gingersnap cookies and her family often carried her some on their visits. The children loved to ride on the back of her big old wheelchair, when they pushed her to the table at mealtime. Joseph and Nancy Lively made their home with Will and Mollie Moore from 1921 until their deaths. Joseph Lively died in 1923 and Nancy Lively died at home during an eclipse of the sun on April 7, 1940. She was never in a hospital.