Gussie Roquemore Beazley Maternal Ancestors

Gussie Roquemore Beazley Maternal Ancestors Family History
Gussie’s great grandfather on her mother’s side was Joshua Phillips who came from Ireland County, Antrim, in 1818 with his wife and two sons, Charles, who never married and David, who had just been born when they left. Joshua, born around 1796, had two brothers who were with the Duke of Wellington when Napoleon was defeated at the battle of Waterloo with the help of Gen. Gebhard von Blucher’s Prussians, on June 18, 1815. David, born 1818, was an infant when they came by sail boat to the country, taking six weeks to cross. He lived to be 100 years old. He married and had Jane Phillips (born 1834 or later). She married Joseph Guthrie born July 28, 1837 and died May 3, 1896. They are Gussie’s grandparents. Jane and Joseph had four daughters, Lizzie Guthrie, Josephine Guthrie, born April 18, 1869 and died February 17 1903. (Gussie’s mother). The oldest, Annie Guthrie Fisher and Mattie Guthrie Polk. Her husband, Lonazo Polk was sheriff of Seminole County. Josephine Guthrie married Peter Roquemore, born June 20, 1864, died September 28, 1914 in Tulsa, Oklahoma of typhoid fever. Gussie had been married three years and did not get to go to his services. Josephine and Peter had four children, Claud, born August 1, 1890; Gussie, born August 4, 1892; Roy born September 8, 1894; and Ray, born July 13, 1900. Gussie married Herman Beazley on April 11, 1911 at a Roquemore home in Palestine, Texas. Their two children were Aline (Alyne), born November 30, 1912, and Charles Herman, born February 28, 1914. He died January 16, 1919. Aline married Thomas J. Hayman on September 4, 1937 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. T.P. Lott in Grapeland and went to live inHuntsville, subsequently to Louisiana. Their child, Charles Herman Hayman, born in Rayne, Louisiana on March 15, 1938. Charles married Ramona Maxwell August 26, 1960 in the First Baptist Church of Kilgore, Texas. They had three children, Lisa Leigh, born April 11, 1961, Camber, born April 29, 1963, Todd Roquemore, born July 6, 1965. All are in Dallas when not in college, now, in 1986. Lisa is a senior at S.M.U., Camber just finished the first year of law school at Pepperdine, Malibu, California, and Todd is a junior at Southwestern at San Marcus. Lisa married David Reed on April 14, 1979 and has one son, Matthew Brandon, born July 15, 1983. He is Gussie’s great-grandchild, making him the eighth generation accounted for.