Newton Streetman
Newton Streetman Family History
Newton Streetman was born in Florida in 1892 and moved to Grapeland with his family, the C.M. Streetman’s, at an early age. Vergie Herod was a native of Grapeland, born in 1895, the daughter of Daniel and Louella Herod. She married Newton about 1914 and they bought a farm on the Rock Hill Road in 1917 where they farmed until Newton and a brother, Gratan, went into the automobile business on Main Street in Grapeland, In the late 1920’s they moved from the farm to a 20 acre tract on the Old Crockett Road and in the early 1930’s, Newton put in a filling station/ cafe/wholesale gasoline business on Highway 287 South. They built the first brick home in Grapeland in 1935 behind their filling station – now known as College Street. Vergie died in 1956 and Newton died in 1969. They had three sons. Victor, born in 1917, married Catheryn Chauncey of Lubbock in 1943. They had two sons, Steve and Dan. Steve has two children. Victor died in 1974. Vinson was born in 1921. He married Helen Ham of Grapeland in 1945. They had one son, Randy. Randy has one son. Vinson died in 1980. Leroy was born in 1928 and married Marilyn Looker of Grapeland in 1949. They had two children, Michael and Sharilyn. Michael has one child. Leroy died in 1985. Their farm and town property are still in the family belonging to Vinson’s wife and son.