Carrie Wells Huff Spence

Carrie Wells Huff Spence Family History
Carrie Wells Huff, only daughter of Hamilton Wells Huff and Callie Pennington Huff, was born September 10, 1893. She married Richard Ernest Spence (born November 5, 1893) on August 18, 1913. They had two daughters, Polly Louise, born August 10, 1914, and Callie Pearle, born May 25, 1919. Carrie Huff Spence died May 5, 1936, and her husband, Richard Ernest, died April 23, 1971. They both are buried in the Hayes Spring Cemetery west of Grapeland. Callie married Russell Sexton on December 25, 1939. They had no children. Callie died February 10, 1952, and is buried at the Hayes Spring Cemetery, Grapeland. Polly married Carroll Travis Herod (born September 24, 1912) on June 10, 1936. To Polly and Carroll two girls were born: Carol Ann, born October 3, 1941 and Peggy Sue, born August 10, 1944. Carol Ann married John Ed Flanagan on June 6, 1959. They have two children: a son, Mitchell Laneborn August 1, 1963 (married Jeanne Rainer and has a daughter, Amada Christine; and a daughter, Melissa Louann, born February 1, 1969). Peggy Sue married Leroy Luster Jr. on October 1, 1966. Leigh Ann, born August 14, 1970, joined the family by adoption when she was two weeks old.