Robert Owens
Robert Owens Family History
This picture, taken in 1900 features Bob and Callie Owens and their ten children, all whom were born in Houston County, married and raised their families here. Many descendents live in the Grapeland area today. Pictured back row (l-r): Bert Owens and his wife, Anna; Walter Owens; and Lennie Owens (Mrs. Bob Yates); second row, 1-r: William Claude Owens; Bob Owens; Callie Denson Owens and Libbie Jean Owens (Mrs. Lewis Turner); front row, 1-r; (in Bob Owens’s lap), Beulah Owens, (Mrs. Ben Brimberry); Mina Owens (Mrs. Otis Brown); center front, Columbus Woodard (Jack) Owens; baby, Alma Lee Owens (Mrs. Roscoe Cutler); and Julia Owens (Mrs. Homer Wright). This family was raised approximately 4 miles east of Grapeland, on FM 227, just southeast of theDavis Cemetery. This was part of the Denson land, settled in the early 1800’s, by Mrs. Owens’s grandfather. Mrs. Owen’s had inherited the land from her father, O’Connor Denson. The place is now owned by Quention Shaver. Bob and Callie Owens, Claude Owens, Jack Owens, Alma Lee Cutler, Julia Wright, Libbie Turner and Lennie Yates are all buried at Refuge Cemetery. Bert Owens is buried at Denson Cemetery, and Walter Owens is buried in Hobbs, New Mexico. Two of the children are still living. Mrs. Beulah Brimberry, lives at the Grapeland Nursing Home and is 89 years old. Mrs. Mina Brown, age 88, makes her home in Crockett with her daughter, Madeline (Polly) Brooker.