Robert Edward Martin

Robert Edward Martin Family History
Robert Edward Martin, the son of Henry Franklin and Savannah J. Weis- Inger Martin, was born August 18, 1871. The family lived in the Antrim area and Robert’s father died when he was 13 years old. Robert helped his mother on the farm and they bought a home between Antrim and New Prospect. Robert married Laura Kyle on March 4, 1909. She was the daughter of William Polk and Mary Eliza Whitescarver Kyle of Daly. He and Laura purchased a home in the Union Chapel community two and one-half miles southwest of Grapeland and moved here in the fall of 1909. They were active members of the Union Chapel Church. The children went to the Grapeland School. The children of Robert and Laura Martin were: (1) Edna Lou, born November 24, 1909, attended Grapeland school and later SHSTC. Edna Lou taught school in Tomball where she married Carl Sims on October 24, 1931. Edna and Carl had two children: Howard Carl Sims, born June 15, 1942, married Esther Froehlich and had two children, Charlotte Ann and Karen Lynn; Shirley Kaye Sims who married first a Vaught, then married Billy Richard Morgan. Shirley Kaye and Billy Richard have five sons: Wayne, Clinton, Cecil, Howard and Kenneth. They all live in Tomball. (2) Alice Alvaretta, second child of Robert and Laura Martin was born August 16, 1912, and died November 30, 1916. She is buried at Daly. (3) Maggie Lee, the third daughter, was born August 8, 1914, on the home place, where she still lives. She married Truman Platt and had four sons: Bobby, Billy Gene, John Lester (Jack) and Morris Logan. Truman died August 22, 1958 and is buried in the Denson Cemetery. Maggie Lee married (2) Marshall McKenzie and (3) James (Jimmy) Low. Robert Martin died December 4, 1944 and Laura Martin was born January 3, 1885 and died on December 25, 1966. They are buried in the Dailey Cemetery.