family history copy

*** copy Leon Anderson Family History
was born in Cooper, Texas on July 29, 1897. He was the thirteenth child of Charles Edward and Mary Martha (Taylor) Anderson. He married Mary Lou Darsey (bor
advertiser Darseys Furniture and Mattress Grapeland Texas
n March 17, 1900) on February 18, 1920. They had four children. Their first child, Leon Lycurgus (Buddy) Anderson Jr. was born July 8, 1925 and he died on February 25, 1966. Leon Lycurgus Jr. married Louise Leediker. They had three children: Jimmie Charles born May 11, 1948; Mary Lynn born July 3, 1951; and Leeda Gail born September 15, 1957. The second child of Leon and Mary Lou Anderson was George Darsey Anderson. He married Lucille Smith and they had four children: Charlie Darsey Anderson, born May 5, 1954; Cindy Kay Anderson born September 18, 1957; Roger Leon born September 18, 1959; and William (Bill) George Anderson born July 25, 1967. The third child of Leon and Mary Lou Anderson was Charles Edward Anderson. He was born December 22, 1934 and died January 29, 1936. The fourth child of Leon and Mary Lou was Marion Murchison Anderson born on November 13, 1938. He married Mary Ann. Leon Lycurgus Anderson was born and raised in north Texas, but soon after his marriage to Mary Lou Darsey moved to Grapeland to live. He was first a cashier in the Farmers and Merchants State Bank and then served as active vice-president for 28 years before his retirement. He died July, 1986 at the age of ninety. He and Mary Lou Anderson were partners in George E Darsey & Co. from 1920 until 1957. Mary Lou Anderson was an active worker in the Grapeland community, the PTA and the Methodist Church. She was noted for her parties given to welcome new people into our community and was loved by the many children she taught in Sunday school. She also served as president of the Farmers and Merchants State Bank. Mary Lou Anderson died in 1956.
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