Sam Musick

Sam Musick Family History
Miss Willie Herod and Sam Musick, who both resided in the Oak Grove Community, were married in the Methodist Parsonage on July 30, 1908. They made their home in and around Grapeland before finally settling in the Reynard community. A total of ten children were born. They were: Barton, Louella, Frank, Frances, Lorenzo, Sammy, Margie, Opal, Iva Dell and Mae Ola. Barton married Birdie Mae Ham and they had six children. They are Sammy Joe, Travis Wayne, Charles, Milton, Alice June, Gunita Lois and Willie Mae. Barton passed away in 1950 at the age of 39. Louella married Clyde Goodson and they had seven children. They are Dorothy, Clyde Franklin, Bernice, Glenda Ann, Billy Allen, Nelda and Judy. Clyde passed away in 1968. Frank married Ruth Peevy and they had a total of seven children. A little girl, Frankie, died in 1951 at an early age. The six boys are, Leeland, Raymond, Elton, Arnold, Donnie and Kenneth. Ruth passed away in 1969. Frances married Norman Ginsel and they had seven children. They are Norma Fay, Norris Neal, Bobby, Linda, Reba, Margaret, and Rickey. Frances passed away in 1951 at the age of 37. Lorenzo married Ava Maude Peevy and they had seven children. They are HuIon, LaVern, Nancy, Marcus, Darrell, Dale and Pamela. Nancy and her family died by accident in 1970. Sammy married Daphne Bunyard and they had two children. They are Phyllis and Beverly. Margie married Bernard McCord and they had three children. They are Albert Lee, Arthur Glenn and Carlton. In later years, Margie married Joe Huffman. Opal married Jimmie Green and they had six children. They are Jimmie Sue, James Henry, Diane, Sammy, Tresta, and Eva Dell. Iva Dell married Scottie Slocum and they had four children. They are Carolyn, Sandra, Lou Ellen, and Michael. Mae Ola married Clarence Lyssy and they had two children. They are Peggy and Julie. Sam and Willie Musick have other descendents that are too numerous to name. Many of these still live in the Grapeland area. The farm they purchased which was their home and where they raised their children is still owned by some of the Musick family. Willie Herod Musick preceded her husband in death on February 20, 1936 at the age of 52. Sam Musick died on April 5, 1948 at the age of 62. Their bodies rest in the Parker Cemetery near Grapeland.