Haney Sisters

Haney Sisters Family History
Caroline White, one of three sisters, married Joe Evin Haney, Joe Evin’s father gave him a choice of slaves or money. Joe chose the money and bought cattle and two mares. They came to west Texas from Tennessee to file on 600 acres of land near Teague. They made their home there until after the Civil War. Caroline’s two sisters, Frankie and Lizzy White, were old maids. Frankie married a general during the Civil War. In later years, Caroline’s mother married Joe’s father, but refused to come to Texas with him as she said all the women who came to Texas died. Joe Evin and Caroline Haney had three children when he went to the Civil War. Caroline was a tailor and made uniforms for the soldiers. They had plenty of essentials of life while others suffered. She was expecting Joe Evin to come home on leave for the birth of their fourth child when she received the message of his death, caused by measles. Caroline died in Jasper shortly after, leaving Mary, Martha, Fannie (Harriet Frances) and Joe. The four daughters went to live with their uncle, Edd Haney of Jasper. He couldn’t keep them, so he let them be separated. Mary lived with a family named Perkins, Martha lived with another family and Fannie went to live with Bluford Spence, a brother of George Jackson Spence. Joe, the youngest, married D.C. Poe; Mary Haney married John Wesley Spence. They later became parents of Elizabeth Spence Sharp. Martha Haney married Mose Spence. John Wesley and Mose were sons of George Jackson Spence. Fannie married George McDaniel Woodell, nephew of Bluford Spence’s wife, Amanda. The Spence’s came from Georgia. They first settled in Van Zandt County, and then moved to Jasper County. George Jackson Spence was married to Elizabeth Strickland when he came to Texas.Elizabeth died in Van Zandt County. Their sons were Moses, John Wesley, and Andrew Jackson. Sarah Spence, their sister, married John Whitescarborough. Anne Spruill is the only survivor of the Whitescarborough- Spruill union. The Haney sisters and their husbands are buried at Hayes Spring Cemetery, Grapeland