First Christian Church
First Christian Church
The First Christian Church in this section was organized at a place called ‘Red House’ about three or three and a half northeast of Grapeland about the year 1872. The community got its name from a large red house which was used as a store and a general meeting place for the surrounding community. It was there that a Christian Church building was first erected, and in the year 1882 the church was transferred to Grapeland.
When the church was moved to Grapeland, services were held in the old school building which stood on the site of the present Baptist Church. The three ministers who were responsible for the transfer of the Church to Grapeland and whose names still linger with and whose influence for the upbuilding of spiritual leadership continues to grow were Rev. Wilson, Rev. Kyle and Rev. G.M. Hollingsworth. Miss Kitty Yarbrough of this city, was the last surviving charter member of the church. She became a member when she was sixteen years of age and the church was located at Red House. Miss Kitty came to church here when she was twenty years of age.
The present house of worship was erected in 1895 at a sacrifice of time, materials and money and was first located on a lot donated by the late J.F. Martin, and the building was moved to its present location in 1915. Mr. Charlie Walling and Mr. J.N. Sory built the First Christian Church in Grapeland. Miss Lively, Mr. Taylor Lively’s daughter, was the first organist and Brother George Hollingsworth brought the first message in this new church. When the heavy winter and spring rains came, members of this church often had to wade to the entrance of the church. Because of this, the original location proved to be very unsatisfactory.
In 1915, T.H. Leaverton who was in the lumber and construction business in Grapeland, donated a lot that would be a satisfactory location and the church voted to move the church building to this lot. When the actual moving of the church began, it was ascertained that it would be impossible to move the church that distance without the building being destroyed and so the church was placed in its present location. The church bought the lots where the church building now stands from W.G. Darsey and George E. Darsey, Sr., March 4, 1915. J.E. Hollingsworth, J.S. Yarborough, and E.W. Davis signed this deed as trustees of the church.
Some of the ministers following the Rev. Hollingsworth were Rev. C.C. Hamilton, Rev. Q.A. Riall, Rev. J.F. Brill, Rev. F.M. Trimble, Rev. Cagle, Rev. C.F. Trimble, and Rev. T.L. Dickey.