Order of the Eastern Star

advertiser Darseys Furniture and Mattress Grapeland Texas

Order of the Eastern Star

1987 Order of the Eastern Star

Grapeland Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star No. 120 was organized July 11, 1910 with Mrs. Nezzie Kennedy, Worthy Matron and Mr. Ben H. Logan, Worthy Patron. On October 12, 1910 the following 20 members signed the charter granted by the Grand Chapter of Texas, Order of the Eastern Star: Miss Cammie Boulton, Miss Anabel Davis, Mrs. Lula Davis, Mrs. Lella Faris, Odell Farris, Miss Blanche Kennedy, Mrs. Eleanor Kennedy, Mrs. Nezzie Kennedy, Sam Kennedy, B.H. Logan, Miss Ellen Logan, Mrs. Nannie Logan, Miss Willie Logan, Mrs. Callie Luker, mrs. Sallie McCarty, Mrs. Leitha Owens, Mrs. Florence Richards, Mrs. Fannie Stafford, Miss Jewel Taylor, Mrs. Maud Woodard. 

The present membership of 132 includes 11 fifty year members: Mrs. Fannye Bradshaw, Mrs. Willie B. Caskey, Mrs. Catherine Chiles, Mrs. Beulah Dailey, Mrs. Agnes Murray Darsey, Mrs. Bess Herod, Mrs. Bess Kennedy, Miss Ruth Kennedy, Miss Hazelle McCarty, Mrs. Winnie Newman, Mrs. Louise Thomas; 20 married couples: Evalina and Franklin Ashley, Tanda and Jimmy Bartee, Arvada and Bennie F. Brimberry, Jim and Robyn Colley, Eva and Harold Cook, Edward and Christine Dancer, Ann and Charley Darsey, Harold and Patsy Fox, Alfred and Wanda Grayson, Carty and Dick Keen, Sandra and Weldon Kerby, Jo and Lavoy Lasiter, Margaret and Billy G. Meador, Wanda and Marian Nichols, Eleanor and Milo Pennington, Wanda and Edwin Pitts, Jane and Malcolm Quarles, Pansy and W.M.T. (Bill) Read, Cleola and J.C. Searcy, Betty and Max Smith; 10 mother-daughter teams: Reba Berchey and Renee, Thelda Bartee and Karen, Sandra Coleman and Melynda, Hazel Dailey and Joyce Ann, Mollie Jones and Linda Fay, Ruth McCleondon and Mollie, Wanda Nichols and Marleen, Joyce Murdock and Caron, Ruth Quarles and Jane, Louise Thomas and Sallie, also Nancy; two mother-son teams: Virginia and Jim Colley and Minnie Mae and Lavoy Lasiter; six pairs of sisters: Opal Chapman and Bonnie Russell, Ann Darsey and Betty Hart, Ruth Dailey and Helm and Irene Frazier, Edwina Long and Frances Pridgen, Sallie Scarborough and Nancy Langham, Hazelle McCarty and Louise Thomas; two sister-brother teams: Estelle Chaffin and Dick Keen, Sandra Coleman and Marlan Nichols; one father-daughter team: Marlan Nichols and Marleen Josey; and one instance of three generations: Ruth McLeondon, Mollie Jones and Linda Fay Skidmore. 

Presently on roll are 30 past matrons and 9 past patrons: Past Matrons are: Louise Thomas, Fannie Bradshaw, Ruth Kennedy, Bess Kennedy, Ruth E. Dailey Helm, Catherine Chiles, Hazel Dailey, Mollie Jones, Catherine Pridgen, Pete Rials, Edith Goodbread, Ava Mae Jordan, Grace Tompkins, Velma Lively, Thelda Bartee, Edwina Long, Elaine Walling, Maurice Walton, Juanita (Vicki) Brown, Dorothy Mosley, Carty Keen, Eleanor Pennington, Linda F. Skidmore, Sandra Kerby, Marleen Nichols Josey, Wanda Nichols, Violet Story, Lucille Bradley, Cleola Sercy, Robyn Colley. Affiliated Past Matrons: Evalina Ashley, Willi B. Caskey, Minnie Mae Lasiter, Winnie Newman, Pansy Read. Past Patrons are: Milo Pennington, Dick Keen, Weldon Kerby, Marlan Nichols, Lavoy Lasiter, Harold Cook, J.C. Searcy, Jim Colley. Affiliated Past Patrons are: Franklin Ashley, WM T. (Bill) Read. Three members hold dual membership: Pansy Read, WM T. (Bill) Read and Minnie Mae Lasiter were initiated in Augusta Chapter but also hold membership in Grapeland Chapter. 

Marleen Nichols (Josey) and Sheri Cherry requested a petition for degrees on the day of their 18th birthday. Four years after initiation Marleen was installed as a young Worthy Matron, having previously been active in Rainbow for girls. 

Mr. W.D. Granberry served this Chapter as Worthy Patron 19 times (not consecutively), and Fred Thomas served 12 years (also not consecutively).

In 1942 the Worthy Matron, Ruth Ellen Dailey (Helm), answered Uncle Sam’s call and became a W.A.S.P. (Women’s Air Force Service Pilot). She received her training at Lubbock. Her base was at Love Field, Dallas. Her duty was to deliver planes from the factory to different bases where they were transferred to the war zones. At the close of World War 2 her rating was that of captain. 

The Chapter has been honored several times by having members receive appointments made by the Worthy Grand Matron of Texas as officers of the Grand Chapter of Texas. 

Each year since 1968 this Chapter has been 100 percent in giving to support the Humanitarian projects of Grand Chapter (which means contributing $1.00 per member to support the projects of Grand Chapter).

Now, in the 76th year, we would like to remember those who had a dream and organized this chapter, and it is appropriate that we recall those who through the bonds of membership have woven their lives into ours in close relationships of Chapter Life. We choose to believe that we have seen in them something that cannot be destroyed and for which we are thankful. 

On June 1, 1986 Maridelle Shirley and Harold Cook were installed as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of Grapeland Chapter of the Eastern Star for the 1986-87 year. 

advertiser Darseys Furniture and Mattress Grapeland Texas