Sandyland Garden Club

Sandyland Garden Club
At the instigation of the Grapeland Garden Club, the Sandyland Garden Club was organized by mrs. Guy Ed Brewton in 1976. It is a Green Hand Club on a simple porgram. It began with eighteen members. Average membership has been twelve. Mary Sam Hallmark was the first president and Ruth Shaver, treasurer.
The meetings take place the first Tuesday afternoon of each month at 3:00 p.m. at the Community Center. Each member pays a small sum at each meeting to pay for the use of the building. At times, trips are taken to gardens of interest.
Two members are hostesses at each meeting. Refreshments are simple. The hostesses present a program or secure and outside speaker.
Officers at present: Zelda Woodell, president, and Dorothy Brewton, treasurer. Members are: Lois Howard, Mary Banta, Ruth Shaver, Verna Spence, Carolyn Dailey, Edwina Long, Era Thetford, Dorothy Brewton, Nellie Mae Williams, Zelda Woodell, Sue Taylor, Mae Garrison, and Catherine Walters.